Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Some ladies are seeking Mr. Right when they should be searching for their life partner. There are sayings such as, “He wasn’t right for you” or “You’ll find the right one,” as if you are looking for the right pair of shoes to offset an outfit. Love doesn't hurt, Loving the Wrong person does.

You have to remind yourself, you are not looking for an accessory but an individual who is interested in developing a partnership. You will be disappointed when you seek someone who looks like the man in your daydreams or wears a suit like your father. Your mind tells you that he is the “right one,” so how do you know if he’s really the wrong one?

Using these guidelines will help in eliminating the guys that are definitely to be avoided if you are seeking a life partner. [READ: 2 TIPS TO SPOT MISS. WRONG]

1. Develop Your Intuition: There is this saying "Follow your Heart, but don't forget to use your Brain", but this can lead you into trouble. You have mental pictures about how your man should look and act. If you meet a man who reflects your mental pictures, then you automatically think he is “right” for you. If you have an uncomfortable feeling in your gut about someone who looks and acts perfect, then you need to pay attention. Your intuition is speaking to you about this individual and you need to honor it.

2. Pay Attention to His Behavior: As women, you love to hear men compliment your looks and achievements, but if his behavior is inconsistent then you need to reconsider your choice. If he says all the right things — yet cancels several dates at the last minute because he has something else to do, you need to move on. You should not make excuses for his behavior.

3. Avoids Uncomfortable Conversations: If he avoids conversations about your concerns in a relationship, such as money or commitment,  then you need to check in with your intuition.

4. Self-Centered: This is an easy way to spot Mr. Wrong. If you are at a gathering and you meet a man who looks perfect, but is talking about himself – then cuts you off when you try to interject a comment – he may not be someone with whom you want to get involved. Maybe you go on one date to confirm this!

5. Mama’s Boy (or the Immature Guy): This is the most difficult to spot because you often find it charming if a man is devoted to his mother. “If he is that considerate to his mother, then that’s how he’ll treat me,” you think. In some cases, that is not how he will treat you. His mother will come first and her approval is of primary importance, especially the approval of the woman in his life. And, in the end, we will also try to please her. 

Have you experienced any of the above red flags? -->

Sunday, November 30, 2014


 I dedicate this post to a Heartbroken Facebook friend and all the Heartbroken readers out there.

Heartbreak hurts, and there's no denying it. Everyone will find a different way to get over it, but we all find being dumped or losing a loved one very hard. Easier for some people, but harder for others.

Below are 8 Steps to Overcome or get over Heartbreak.

1. Don't be embarrassed to cry. You've been hurt - expect the tears to keep coming. There are few people who can get over heartbreak without shedding tears, so let the tears flow. If you bottle up your feelings, you'll only end up making yourself feel worse later. Let everything loose and don't hold anything back.

2. Take your mind off. Find something to help take your mind off your heartbreak for a while, the feeling will pass with time. Engaging yourself in activities you enjoy will help you relax.

3. Talk to your friends and family. That's what they're there for! A good friend you trust will be a good person to talk to. A parent or sibling may also be a good choice.

4. Focus on moving on. Focus for a while on your career and family. If you help someone else out, you'll feel good, and have a chance to take your mind off the pain. Good times are a great way to help you get over heartbreak. Keep on going with your day and focus on your work. [Read:HOW TO AVOID HEARTACHE.]

5. Keep it in perspective! Think about the positive things in your life, and what you have left. Think about what you can do with your future, and don't let your loss destroy the rest of your life too. Letting the feeling overcome you will lead you down a road that isn't too pleasant.

6. Rebuild your life. Get engrossed in new things, and try not to look back on the past. The more you move forward, the less it will hurt. Keep yourself occupied, so you don't have time to be upset. Keep moving forward. [READ: EXPECTATION LEADS TO HEARTACHE]

7. Talk to a professional. You may need to see a psychologist or other such professional person if your grief is really destroying your life. A professional will care and will know how to help you. They can almost certainly offer further and better advice, encourage and motivate you in the right direction.

8. Accept it. You might never quite be happy about the event that caused your heartbreak, and you might always shed tears thinking about it, but eventually you will find that you can live without it getting in the way. Just remember that every relationship is a learning experience, and every learning experience will positively effect your future. Time heals all wounds, so they say, but I say "Time doesn't heal anything.. it just teaches us how to live with the pain" especially in the case of heartbreak.

With the above steps you are on your way back to being yourself.


Friday, October 31, 2014


 There are so many Facts about us (Guys) which about 80% of us do exhibit. I made a List of 85 Facts which after reading you may come across few that your Man (If you are in a relationship) or your friend has been showing off.

1. Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and take as their basis of experience.

2. You can tell if a guy is really hurt or in pain when he cries in front of you!

3. If a guy suddenly asks you for a date, ask him first why?

4. When a guy says he can’t sleep if he doesn’t hear your voice even just for one night, hang up. He also tells that to another girl. He only flatters you and sometimes makes fun of you.

5. Guys seek for advice not from a guy but from a girl.

6. Girls are allowed to touch boys’ things. Not their hair!

7. If a guy says you’re beautiful, that guy likes you.

8. Guys hate girls who overreact.

9. Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.

10. Guys don’t actually look after good-looking girls. They prefer neat and presentable girls.

11. Guys hate flirts.

12. A guy can like you for a minute, and they forget you afterwards.

13. When a guy says he doesn’t understand you, it simply means you’re not thinking the way he is.

14. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend.

15. Guys want to tell you many things but they can’t. And they sure have one habit to gain courage and spirit to tell you many things and it is drinking!

16. Guys cry!!!

17. Don’t provoke the guy to heat up. Believe me. He will.

18. Guys usually try hard to get the girl who has dumped them, and this makes it harder for them to accept their defeat.

19. When you touch a guy’s heart, there’ s no turning back.

20. Giving a guy a hanging message like “You know what? Uh… never mind!” would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking.

21. Guys go crazy when girls touch their hands.

22. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.

23. “Are you doing something?” or “Have you eaten already?” are the first usual questions a guy asks on the phone just to get out from stammering.

24. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

25. When a guy really likes you, he’ll disregard all your bad characters.

26. Guys go crazy over a girl’s smile.

27. Guys will do anything just to get the girl’s attention.

28. A guy finds ways to keep you off from linking with someone else.

29. Guys love girls with brains more than girls in miniskirts.

30. Guys virtually brag about anything.

31. Guys cannot keep secrets that girls tell them.

32. Guys fantasies are unlimited.

33. Girls height doesn’t really matter to a guy but her weight does!

34. Guys tend to get serious with their relationship and become too possessive. So watch out girls!!!

35. It’s not easy for a guy to let go of his girlfriend after they broke up especially when they’ve been together for 3 years or more.

36. You have to tell a guy what you really want before getting involved with that guy.

37. When a guy makes a prolonged “umm” or makes any excuses when you’re asking him to do you a favor, he’s actually saying that he doesn’t like you and he can’t lay down the card for you.

38. When a girl says “no”, a guy hears it as “try again tomorrow.”

39. You have to tell a guy what you really want before he gets the message clearly.

40. Guys love their moms.

41. A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn’t mean that the guy likes her.

42. You can never understand him unless you listen to him.

43. If a guy tells you he loves you once in a lifetime. He does.

44. A guy has to experience rejection, because if he’s too good, never been busted, never been in love and hurt, he won’t get matured and grow up.

45. When an unlikable circumstance comes, guys blame themselves a lot more than girls do. They could even hurt themselves physically.

46. Guys have strong passion to change but have weak will power.

47. Guys are tigers in their peer groups but become tamed pussycats with their girlfriends.

48. When a guy pretends to be calm, check if he’s sweating. You’ll probably see that he is nervous.

49. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl. He really is.

50. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he’s just actually saying, “Please come and listen to me”

51. Guys don’t really have final decisions.

52. When a guy loves you, bring out the best in him.

53. Like Eve, girls are guys weaknesses.

54. Guys are very open about themselves.

55. No guy is bad when he is courting

56. Guys hate it when their clothes get dirty. Even a small dot.

57. Guys really admire girls that they like even if they’re not that much pretty.

58. Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.

59. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don’t need to give advice.

60. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.

61. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.

62. A guy’s friend knows everything about him. Use this to your advantage.

63. Don’t be a snob. Guys may easily give up on the first sign of rejection.

64. Don’t be biased. Try loving a guy without prejudice and you’ll be surprised.

65. Guys are more talkative than girls and especially when the topic is about girls.

66. Guys don’t comprehend the statement “Get lost” too well.

67. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions but still love them more.

68. When a guy gives a crooked or pretentious grin at your jokes, he finds them offending and he just tried to be polite.

69. Guys don’t care about how shiny their shoes are unlike girls.

70. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him.

71. If a guy has been kept shut or silent, say something.

72. Guys believe that there’s no such thing as love at first sight, but court the girls anyway and then realize at the end that he is wrong.

73. Guys like femininity not feebleness.

74. Guys don’t like girls who punch harder than they do.

75. A guy may instantly know if the girl likes him but can never be sure unless the girl tells him.

76. A guy would waste his time over video games the way a girl would do over her romance novels and make-ups.

77. Guys love girls who can cook or bake.

78. Guys like girls who are like their moms. No kidding!

79. Guys tend to generalize about girls but once they get to know them, they’ll realize they’re wrong.

80. Any guy can handle his problems all by his own. He’s just too stubborn to deal with it.

81. When a problem arises, a guy usually keeps himself cool but already thinking of a way out.

82. When a guy is conscious of his looks, it shows he is not good at fixing things.

83. When a guy looks at you, either he’s amazed or he’s criticizing you.

84. When you catch him cheating on you and he asks for a second chance, give it to him. But when you catch him again and he asks for another chance, ignore him.

85. If you have a boyfriend, and your boy best friend always glances at you and it obviously shows that he is jealous whenever you’re with your boyfriend, all I can say is your boy best friend loves you more than your boyfriend does. [Read:SIGNS HE'S NOT JUST INTO YOU]

You can add yours to the List by leaving a comment.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I saw this pinned on pinterest some time ago (thanks to Megan for pinning it!) and thought it would make a good blog topic.

Most of us have expectations for the people in our lives, and we expect life events to go a certain way, especially if we've planned them. Having some expectations is a good thing - you don't want to be living with a vagabond fool spouse or endure crappy working conditions because you didn't strive for better - but getting too caught up in expectations is setting yourself up for disappointment. Having a baseline of how you should be treated is good - going off the rails based on unrealistic expectations is not good.

To avoid disappointment and heartache in almost any situation, examine and adjust your expectations.
When things don't go how we think they should, we say "Why me?" or "It's not fair!"To the first point, why not you? To the second, it's my contention that nothing in life is fair - we all have a different concept of what fair is, and 99.9% of the time the universe does not provide a fair that two of us can agree on. We're not always going to get what we expect, or what we think we deserve. That's just a fact of life. [Read:HOW TO AVOID HEARTACHE.]

"Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes in playing a poor hand well." 
It sucks to feel let down by someone important to you. People are not mind readers, and even though we think they should know what we need or want because they know us so well/long/etc, the fact is that sometimes we have to tell them. Now, if you tell them and they STILL suck, give them the boot.

*Consider having zero expectations...
"If you expect nothing from anybody, you're never disappointed."
If you expect nothing, you can never be disappointed. We all have expectations. We not only have them, we need them. They fuel our dreams, our hopes, and our lives like some super-caffeinated energy drink.

That would be nice, right? But we all know that it's unrealistic to go through life with NO expectations. They sneak in the sides of our mind and whisper to us, beckoning us to believe and hope and expect good things. Being conscious of them and managing them is what's important, along with always knowing that you are the captain of your own ship. You can't expect others to fix things for you - that's your job. It's nice when they do, but don't depend on others to improve your universe. You are in charge of your life.

The sooner we learn that life isn't fair and things aren't always going to go our way, the happier we'll be. Going into something with little expectation is very freeing. You can be pleasantly surprised with a good outcome, and at the very least you'll appreciate the small things you miss when you're busy thinking about how things should be going differently. Managing expectations means less time wasted waiting for our desired outcome and more time being present and living.
The only person on this earth who is responsible for your happiness is you.

The moral of the story is that managing your expectations will increase your overall happiness in any SHIP you find yourself (Relationship, Friendship, Courtship e.t.c).

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Relationships fail often. It’s a fact of life. Most Relationships fail because of Trust issues, Commitment issues and Communication issues.

The problem, though, is that some people learn that their relationships are headed for failure, and they learn it the hard way.
So if you’re aiming for a relationship that’s practically fail-proof, you’d have to know some of the reasons why so many relationships end badly.
The failure of a relationship can be attributed to one or a combination of the following factors.
So if you find that your relationship is facing these problems, it may be best to try and work it out so it doesn’t ruin the hard work you’ve put into your relationship.

 1. DOMINANCE. This is the opposite of sacrificing too much. Instead, you expect your partner to be at your beck and call, or else, they will be sorry! Instead of fostering a relationship based on love and trust, you’re instilling fear into your partner.
What this does is force your partner to be miserable and helpless or it can lead them to lie, sneak around or even find someone else’s shoulder or bed just to avoid your wrath and their misery.

2. JEALOUSY. If you’re the one who’s jealous, you’re probably always going to be snooping around to check if your partner is faithful to you. Just one instance of you seeing them chatting with someone whom you consider a threat, and you’ll unleash a barrage of accusations.
On the other hand, if your partner is the jealous one, you may find yourself sacrificing your happiness just so you don’t get hit with the barrage of accusations.

3. SEEKING JOY FROM YOUR PARTNER. This is common among people who have either low self-esteem or have very few good things going on in their life. The problem with this is that it may put too much pressure on your partner. How? It will always feel like your partner has such a huge role in your life, and that without him/her, you’d be a miserable heap of tears. This kind of dependence is not healthy in any kind of relationship!

4. MUCH SACRIFICE. There may be times when you forego your own desires so you can make your partner happy. This is called a sacrifice.
But if you keep doing this and your partner learns that they can easily ignore your wants, you’ll start to feel your sacrifice taking its toll on you. One day, you might wake up and feel so used that you end up snapping and breaking up with your partner.

5. SELFISHNESS. Selfishness in both of you will lead to a tug-of-war for who gets the final say in things. You can’t always get what you want, and neither can your partner. If neither of you are willing to compromise to make your relationship work, then you can both find someone who’ll be more accommodating to your every want and need. Good luck with that!

6. FINDING FAULTS. Honesty matters in a relationship. But being too blunt about your partner’s faults all the time may make them feel they’re always under your constant scrutiny. Not only will you slowly pick at their self-esteem, but you might also push them towards the arms of someone who’s much more accepting of their faults.

7. NO TIME. Even if you both have a busy lifestyle, you still need to set aside time for each other just to keep the relationship going. A five-minute phone call or a text exchange may be enough to let you work through a time when you’re too busy for anything.
If you don’t spare even a few minutes for your partner, neglect starts and that will definitely eat away at your relationship.

8. DISTANCE. There’s nothing wrong with having a long distance relationship. In fact, some relationships are tested and made stronger by the physical distance. However, the distance can bring about problems such as a lack of time for each other or lack of physical intimacy.
Unless you make an effort so you can finally be in the same zip code, these relationships usually break under the strain.

9. AMBITIONS. When you get deeper into a relationship, you may find out that you and your partner may have different goals for the future. One of you may want to focus on your career, while the other would like to start a family soon. This can lead to conflict when it comes to making big decisions in your life. If left without compromise, the rift in your desires may end up causing a rift between the two of you.

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Girls and guys are pretty similar when it comes to attraction. And both sexes like attention. But while a guy with a girlfriend tries to woo a girl, he does it because he wants to win her or he’s sexually attracted to her.
But a girl with a boyfriend could have many other reasons to get your attention. Here are 6 reasons why a girl who’s dating a guy may want you.

1. Just for fun! She likes your attention. Period. She wants your attention and she wants you to like her because she likes it.

2. She’s hot stuff. A girl with a boyfriend may want your attention just to convince herself that she’s still sexy and all that, and hot enough to win your attention. She wants an ego boost, and she’s using you to get it!

3. She’s unhappy. Her boyfriend may not be giving her enough attention, or he may be a bad boyfriend who doesn’t treat her right. She’s unhappy, and being with you makes her happy.

4. She wants more. Some girls are just annoying and a pain in the backside. They may have a perfect relationship with their own boyfriend, but they still want more. Perhaps, her boyfriend’s attention isn’t enough for her. And now she wants yours too.

5. She’s genuinely attracted to you. The girl you like may really like you, and she may love your attention too. But she’s dating a guy and she doesn’t want to lose him because she does think he’s a great guy too. She’s got a crush on you and she doesn’t plan on doing anything about it.

6. Moral dilemma. Every now and then, you may come across this scenario where the girl with a boyfriend genuinely likes you and wants to date you. She may be unhappy in her own relationship, and she may truly believe that she’d be happier in your arms. But she’s too nice to break up with her own guy, because she doesn’t want to break his heart.

Monday, June 30, 2014


Yes, the old clichés are true: the truth hurts and it also sets you free. Here are signs that he’s not just into you.

*He says he’s not relationship material.

Listen to what he says. If he says that he’s not looking for a relationship, he doesn’t believe in marriage, he’s not relationship material, or he’s just “having fun,” don’t try to read beyond those words. Either he’s not into you, or he’s not into commitment in general. Take him at his word and move on to someone who values relationships the way you do.

*He encourages you to date other people.

If your date encourages you to date other people, it’s not because he wants to experience the enlightenment that comes with multiple dinner-plans partners; he’s just not into you enough to want you all to himself. If he’s still dating other people and you’re at a stage where you feel you should be exclusive, then he’s not ready to commit to anyone. If he talks about those other girls, then he tells them about you, too. A man who is into you will want you exclusively and would be incredibly uncomfortable at the thought of you making romantic plans with other men.

*He won’t hold your hand in public.

You kiss in private, but he won’t go near you when you’re out in public. If he doesn’t want people to think you’re a couple, he probably introduces you to people you run into as his “friend,” right? you probably aren’t one, or shouldn’t be. You want to be with someone who’s proud to be associated with you.

*He avoids introducing you to his friends and family.

If he neglects to meet your family or don't want you to meet his parents, he’s probably not into you; especially if you’ve been dating for a while. No, you don’t need to meet Mom and Dad after date two, but when you sense an avoidance strategy, he likely has one foot out the door. A guy who’s nuts about you will want his family and best friends to know how great you are, too.

*He doesn’t return calls within 24 hours.

First, if you’re the only person calling and texting, evaluate your date’s interest in the relationship. Secondly, if your texts are consistently not getting responses within 24 hours, he’s not into you. When you’re crazy about someone, you can find thirty seconds to respond, even if it’s just a quick explanation as to why he’ll have to respond in greater detail later. Don’t hound the object of your affection, but expect him to be respectful enough to respond when you try to contact him.

Biggest red flag ever: If he doesn’t actually ask you out, he’s not into you. A man who wants you will make sure you know it. [Read:85 FACTS ABOUT GUYS]

Looking back, what were signs in your past relationship that he wasn't interested? How long did it take you to see the red flags?

Saturday, May 31, 2014


There are different reasons to let go of a relationship and walk away. Here are 10 reasons why a relationship may be doomed to failure and pain. And if you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, perhaps it’s time to end your romance.

#1. You’re convinced that you can never have a happy ending.

#2. It’s a complicated relationship.

#3. You think you’re way better than your partner and deserve someone who treats you better.

#4. You don’t respect your partner or your partner doesn’t respect you.

#5. Your partner constantly cheats on you, even after getting caught. [Read:HOW TO LET GO OF A RELATIONSHIP THAT IS BAD]

#6. You’re being taken for granted by your lover.

#7. There’s no focus on your life and your wants in the relationship.

#8. When you’re not ready for the relationship and the commitments it requires.

#9. You don’t trust your partner anymore. [Read:SIGNS HE'S NOT JUST INTO YOU]

#10. If you’re constantly frustrated and you don’t know why.

Prepare yourself for what could happen after you let go of the relationship.
You may meet someone who loves you and treats you better. You may be happier than you could ever imagine.

On the other hand, your lover too may date someone else, may spread rumors or even stalk you. Think of possible future scenarios and work your own solutions to how you would want to handle it. It’s always better to be prepared for anything the world throws at you after you let go of the relationship.

If you make a conscious effort to get over it, you can. Learn to walk away and the rest of your life will sort itself out.

If you ever find yourself having second thoughts about getting back with your ex again, try to weigh the pros and cons. Remind yourself of the reasons for breaking up and ask yourself if you’re ready to face those same frustrations all over again.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


At times, a relationship can do more harm than good for you. Recognize the signs and understand how to let go of a relationship that’s bad for you.
Relationships are always a happy experience.
Well, until things start to go bad.
That’s when a beautiful relationship can actually bring your life to a standstill and trick you into a world of complications and pain.
Are you in a relationship where you’re not experiencing the happiness you think you deserve?
If you think it, there’s a good chance that it’s true.

The funny thing about relationships is that it’s all in your head.
A relationship is over when you think it’s over.
If you’re not as happy as you think you should be in a relationship, you should let go even if you still love that person. [Read:WHEN SHOULD YOU LET GO OF A RELATIONSHIP?]
It’s that simple really.
You’re not being selfish. You’re doing both of you a favor.
It’s always better to let go of a bad relationship than hold on when you see no happiness at the end of the tunnel.

If you want to understand the different ways to let go of a relationship, use these nine steps and follow the way.

1. If you want to let go of someone you love, you have to understand the real reasons behind why you think your relationship is making you unhappy. The question is Why should it end?

2. If you’re in a relationship where you’re doing all the work while your partner is just coasting along on the ride, that’s never a good sign. If you are willing to take a chance, give your relationship one last chance to fix it. The question is Can you fix it?

3. Don’t try too hard to bring the old romance back. It’s not worth it. Love should be effortless and mutual, and even if you try to force it, it’ll just slip away again, causing you more pain. Don’t Coerce Love! [Read:SIGNS HE'S NOT JUST INTO YOU]

4. Ask yourself why you’re holding on to a relationship where you see no future in it? Are you still in love or are you just afraid of being single again? The question is Is it love or fear?

5. Breaking up is never easy i know but you have to go. And it takes courage to take a decision that can make such a big change in your life. We all love stability in our lives, even if it’s a bad life. But just because you’re getting used to a certain routine doesn't mean it’s a good thing for you. Be courageous!

6. Prepare yourself for the loneliness and the pain after breaking up, especially if you still have a soft spot for this person. To face loneliness is one of the hardest things but you’ll never really know what life has in store for you unless you take that bold step. Be Strong.

7. Write a list of reasons on a piece of paper and look at it now and then, until you’re completely convinced so you don’t regret it or go back on your words again. Unless you’re convinced about your decision, it’ll only leave you confused and sad. Accept your decision completely.

8.  If you’re sure you don’t want to be in a relationship with your lover, you have to learn to face the end. Once you’re sure you have the strength to let go of the relationship, end it. I say "End the relationship!"

Letting go of a relationship can seem very difficult when you look your partner in the eyes for that final conversation, but as soon as you speak up and walk away from your new ex, you’ll feel a heavy burden lift itself off your chest.

If you feel like ending a relationship because it’s draining the energgy happiness out of your life, remember these tips on how to let go of a relationship to help you walk away happier and lead a better life. -->

Thursday, April 10, 2014


As a woman, you can’t fix all the reasons why a man cheats. But if you look at these reasons, you’d see that almost always, a man cheats when the relationship is getting worse for both of you. And sometimes, it’s easier to just walk away from a cheater instead of trying to change yourself and become someone else, just to hold on to a man who’s waiting to leave you and walk into another woman’s arms, time and again. [Read:WHY DO MEN WANT TO CHEAT?]

There are several reasons why a man may actually end up having an affair with another woman. Here are 27 reasons that could lead a man to stray into another woman’s arms.

1. Respect: If a man truly cares about his relationship the way he cares about his  own life, he’d avoid doing anything that may jeopardize it. For a relationship to succeed, a man needs respect from his woman and a woman needs unconditional love from a man. If the woman doesn't respect him, he’ll fall for someone who respects him. A man may cheat when he believes that he’s not getting the respect he deserves from his woman.

2. Problems in the relationship: When arguments crop up all the time with no conclusive happy endings to the fight, it may leave both of you frustrated. The question is Do you and your man argue often?

3. Frustrations: A man who’s frustrated in life for any reason at all could jump into another woman’s arms just to convince himself that he’s still awesome and can get what he desires.

4. To get back at his woman: Sometimes, even if it’s the dumbest thing to do, a man will use revenge sex to get back at his wife or girlfriend for something she’s done.

5. Too much control over him: Are you a control freak who loves having everything under control? Does your man usually do whatever you suggest? Does he back away from any conflict with you? He may go looking for an affair just to be manly.

6. He thinks the relationship won't last: A guy usually has a backup girlfriend in mind just in case things don’t work out between the both of you, even if he tells no one else about it. It’s usually a friend who’s attractive and rather friendly. And at times, this backup girl may just end up taking your place in between the sheets.

7. He wants more Love: Sometimes, a man’s heart wants all the love it can handle. And that may happen to include more than the love of just one woman. If he’s a romantic Casanova he may try to woo women all the time, just to feel good about all the love he experiences in the world.

8. He doesn't want to be Committed : A lot of guys have the fear of commitment. And just when they feel like they’re falling deeply in love, they pull back or they have an affair just to convince themselves that they’re not into you.

9. They want variety: All of us want new experiences all the time, but some selfish and immature men take this adage one step too far and start looking at other women as wooing potentials, not because they’re unhappy in love, but because they want more variety in their bed!

10. He wants a new experience: A guy may be the most loyal of lovers, and he may be the perfect boyfriend or husband. But at times, for no reason at all, he may start pursuing a new girl just to remember how the thrill of the chase feels like. If both of you start to feel bored in the relationship, it’s only a matter of time before one of you start straying just to make life feel more exciting.

11. Some men loves to cheat: It’s who they are. And there’s nothing you can do to change them. It could be a deep rooted psychological issue, or perhaps they just don’t care about relationships.

12. Understanding: There can be happiness in a marriage or a relationship only when there’s communication in a relationship. If your man feels like you just don’t understand him anymore, he may find himself getting attached to someone else who listens to him.

13 You’re boring: Are you a prude who doesn't like discussing sex? Or are you a homely woman who loves her solitude? If your man has an active lifestyle and you don’t share an interest in socializing or having fun outside the house, he may start to find you too boring to stay in love with.

14. You accuse him of cheating: Do you constantly accuse your man of cheating just so he can reassure you and convince you of his love for you? Don’t ever let your insecurity get the better of you unless you have conclusive proof, or you’d just end up forcing him into an affair because he thinks you don’t trust him anyway.

15. A girl is crazy about him: When a really attractive girl falls for a guy and pleads with him to date her or bed her, a man’s macho heart may soften and get mushy, and he may even share a few kisses or cuddles in bed just to make her feel better.

Men and women cheat for almost the same reasons. I’d say that men cheat more for sexual pleasure and sexual experiences while women cheat more for emotional attachment. -->

Monday, March 17, 2014


As much as I hate to admit it, men do have a natural instinct to stray.
If they think they can get away with cheating, they cheat.
It’s what their mind tells them to do, even if their conscience tells them otherwise.

A man of principles though, a man who has integrity, may hold himself back even when the opportunity arises. But he holds himself back, not because he doesn't like the thought of having another woman, he holds himself back only because of his integrity.
But truth be told, it is very hard to avoid cheating, especially if no one would ever get to know the truth!

It’s been said time and again that one would never cheat if they’re truly in love with someone.
But is that really true?
If you think about it, you don’t cheat because you’re emotionally carried away in the heat of the moment.
If that moment of lusty temptation does occur, it’s a painful but forgivable accident that lasts for a few passionate seconds.But he holds himself back, not because he doesn't like the thought of having another woman, he holds himself back only because of his integrity.
But truth be told, it IS very hard to avoid cheating, especially if no one would ever get to know the truth!
But if one chooses to cheat or have sex on a one night stand, it’s because they consciously and deliberately decide to have an affair or a onetime fling, and logically plan every step to ensure that they don’t get caught with their boxers around their ankles.

Seriously, any guy or girl who’s ever cheated would know this, cheating is just not easy, especially if you’re living in a society like ours where cheating is considered taboo.
It takes a lot of planning, a lot of covering up (faking expenses, faking work hours and faking weekend escapes and a lot more!) just to enjoy an hour or so of sexual pleasure that turns to guilt as soon as you orgasm and reach for the skies.
So when a guy makes the effort to cheat, it surely means there’s something wrong somewhere else. [Read:15 REASONS WHY MEN CHEAT ON WOMEN] The cause could be a failing relationship or a mind that’s addicted to the thrill of straying.
Or worse, it could mean that he’s so smitten by another woman that he doesn't care about his own lover who loves him and cares for him, and he’s willing to throw it all away for someone else.

Every man and woman in a relationship has the ability to cheat and destroy a relationship if they choose to. But the rules of society have altered our minds to accept cheating as a moral aberration in our conscience. But unless you have no moral conscience whatsoever, guilt inevitably enters the picture when you cheat on a lover. And you can’t ever look at your lover the way you once did.

Men who are in stable and comfortable relationships want to cheat for three primary reasons.

#1. There’s not enough happiness in his life. The man who wants to cheat thinks he’s too good for the woman he’s with *he thinks he can get another girl who’s better than his own woman*.

#2. He contemplates cheating if his ego is bruised *his woman doesn't respect him, doesn't think highly of him, doesn't need him emotionally or sexually, or his pride hurts because of her behavior*.

#3. The third reason why men want to cheat completes the rest of the list. Men want to cheat because they assume they can get away with it without getting caught.

If one partners feels like they’re not getting enough out of the relationship, or if the other partner feels like they’re giving more than they’re receiving, the relationship may change course towards the inevitable end or lead one partner to the lusty and cowardly road of affairs and one night stands. -->

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Confessing your love to a girl could seem scary. But it’s really easy!
If you’re not sure how to ask a girl out, you have no reason to feel silly about it.
Every guy’s been there at least once in their lives! Sometimes, it takes a risky plunge to master an art.
And all of us have to start somewhere, don’t we? Sometimes, you may not realize it yourself that you’re falling for a girl, and almost always, it may be a good friend of yours. So what do you do then?

Do you confess your love to her and risk severing ties with her because of the awkwardness the confession could create, or should you just clam up and watch her as she’s whisked away by another smooth talker? Friends fall in love with each other all the time.
Sometimes, it’s a little crush that’s soon forgotten. And at other times, friends hook up or have a fling that eventually ends. And in the worst case scenario, the guy hides his feelings for this friend, until the point where she starts dating a new guy. And then, he barges up to her, and tells her that he really loves her and has always loved her, and wants her to love him! [Read: HOW TO ESCAPE THE FRIEND ZONE]

Well, this may work in the movies, but in real life, if you ever do something like that, you’re definitely setting yourself up for failure. She’s never known that you like her or desire her, and now out of the blue, you expect her to drop her new found love and start dating a guy she’s only seen as a friend for all these months or years? Really, does that even sound right to you?

If there’s one piece of advice you really need, it’s this. Don’t be brash and reckless and say things in the heat of the moment when you want to confess your love to a girl, and more importantly, don’t wait forever and expect things to just magically fall into place because you love a girl and don’t have the balls to fess up! If you want to confess your love to a girl, let her know what’s on your mind.

Well, just use these five easy steps, and you’ll see just how amazingly easy it can be.

#1. START TALKING TO HER: Is she a friend, or is she someone you walk past occasionally? The first thing you need to do is to find a way to get to know her better. Get her attention and make a great first impression when she’s around. Arousing a girl’s curiosity and making her think you’re a great guy can make things a lot easier for you. On the other hand, if you’re a shy guy who doesn’t like being the center of attention, you can always get to know her through her friends or through a common acquaintance.

#2. SHOW OFF YOUR FUNNY BONE: The easiest way to get closer to a girl and make her feel comfortable around you is by using humor. Girls love a guy who’s funny, and it works wonders with women because humor always takes the awkwardness out of any conversation. And even if there’s nothing much to talk about, making a girl laugh will make you memorable in her eyes.

#3. TEASE HER & FLIRT WITH HER: The easiest way to get closer to a girl and make her feel comfortable around you is by using humor. Girls love a guy who’s funny, and it works wonders with women because humor always takes the awkwardness out of any conversation. And even if there’s nothing much to talk about, making a girl laugh will make you memorable in her eyes.
Charm her and compliment her often. Let her see that you notice the little things about her that makes her pretty. If she’s wearing something nice, compliment her about it. If she looks great, tell her she looks really pretty. When you’re trying to woo a girl, always let her know that you find her attractive.

#4. GET CLOSE TO HER:  Try to spend more time with her, especially when no one’s around. It’ll make her feel comfortable around you, and at the same time, she’d start craving for your company and miss you when you aren’t around. Try to do things together, call her often and ask her for her advice and help. Asking a girl for advice, be it about clothing, your life or anything else will always make her bond with you and get closer to you.

The biggest deterrent for guys when it comes to confessing their love is the fear of rejection. But think of it this way, the worst a girl could say is ‘no’. Of course, it’ll hurt. But it’s still way better than clinging on to a mad hope that she may see just how much you love her someday. By not telling a girl how you feel, you’re only making yourself feel miserable. And what would you do if another guy starts making a move on this girl you like? But whatever the reason may be, don’t ever let the fear of rejection hold you back from expressing your feelings. You’ll always regret hiding the truth from her.

Don't wait until its too late to tell someone how much you love, how much you care, because when they're gone no matter how loud you shout and cry, they won't hear you anymore.

As long as you follow these steps on how to confess your love to a girl, and avoid getting hasty or reckless at any point of time, you could surely make a great impression and make her like you even before you tell her that you like her!

Monday, January 20, 2014


All of us have a few bad habits that we don’t realize. Sometimes, these habits could be silly or cute.
But at most other times, these subconscious bad habits could end up hurting you or distancing you from the one you love.

When you fall in love with someone, you can’t see their bad habits, at least not until you’re past the stage of infatuation. And likewise, your partner won’t see the bad in you because they’re so smitten by you and your love for them. But once the rose tinted veil of infatuation sweeps past your eyes, it’s only then that the nagging habits start to reveal themselves.

See these bad habits to know if you’re hurting your lover without realizing it.


Do you constantly like having things your way? It could be as silly as watching a genre of movies you enjoy or going out to places that you like. [Read: TOP TWO THINGS THAT LEAD TO BREAK-UP] Your partner may find your tantrums cute to begin with, but if you always want things your own way, there will come a time very soon when your partner would snap and just hate everything you like because they’re so sick of it!


Do you choose to ignore your partner instead of talking about something that’s hurt you? You’re not alone. Many men and women would rather sit down in the corner and stare at the ceiling than answer their partner when they’re annoyed for some reason. Never do that because you’d only end up hurting your partner, make them feel miserable, and hate you at the same time.


Avoiding discussions, especially if it’s stressful may seem like the easy thing to do at a particular moment. But stuffing all the difficult conversations in some dark corner will only leave you more stressed, and leave your partner frustrated and angry. As difficult as a particular decision or a relationship conversation may be, you can solve it only by talking about it with your lover. Remember, every journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.


For the silliest of reasons! And you just can’t help yourself. You may be lying to your partner because you’re afraid of their temper, or because you don’t want to appear weak in front of them. The reasons could be several, but the end result is almost always the same. Lies affect relationships negatively, and will lead to loss of trust. Stop lying and learn to confront the truth, you’ll have a much better life.


Don’t yell at your partner or humiliate them in public or when someone else is around. Your frustrations may be valid and you may have every good reason to accuse your partner of something, or walk away from them. But ridiculing your partner or hurting them in public will do a lot of damage to their ego, and that’s something that won’t heal very soon. [Read: LITTLE THINGS THAT LEAD TO BREAK-UP]


You know your partner’s sweet and caring. And you love them for it. But do you remember to appreciate your partner and thank them for all the little things they do, be it finding your keys or opening the doors for you? You may think it’s silly to constantly thank your partner for every little thing they do. But chances are, you may start taking these sweet gestures for granted even before you realize it, and they’d turn into expectations instead!


You intentionally make big demands or throw tantrums just to see if your partner cares enough to go the extra mile for you. These petty tests are rather common at the start of a new relationship when you’d want your lover to prove their love for you, but don’t carry this habit into the later stages of love or your constant games and tests would annoy your lover


You try really hard to please your partner, but you get really upset when your partner doesn’t realize you’ve done something for them. And yet, you continue to do nice things for them all the time *which they take for granted* and eventually turn into a relationship martyr. If your partner takes you for granted, talk to them about it. Bottling your rage or sadness will not help you. Perhaps, your partner didn’t even realize that you’ve done something sweet for them. Communicate and express yourself now and then, and stop trying to be a helpless people pleaser.


Sunday, January 5, 2014


Loving relationships can last a lifetime, but many relationships fail to last a lifetime because couples don’t know how to make a relationship work. [Read: RELATIONSHIP]

One reason why love fails for many couple, it’s because most of us don’t understand that love is fickle and changing. Love lasts forever, and it’s true. [Read: LOVE]  But no one ever said love stays the same forever. And that makes all the difference between having a great relationship and just living together under one roof.

In the start of a relationship, either of you may try to please your partner every day with affection and gifts. But this can’t go on forever, or your relationship would end even before you know it. If you’re not attracted to your partner, mentally and physically, of course, love will stop evolving in your lives.
The start of a relationship is always exciting because you’re learning new things about your lover every day. But as the months pass by, the conversations drift to ‘how was work’ and ‘how was your day’. Why does that happen? Well, simply because you have nothing else that’s exciting enough to talk about
To make your relationship better, use these two tips.

Most couples stop trying to please their partner as the years pass by and love is way past the wooing and impressing phase. If you’re not  trying anything new or special now and then, you’re definitely taking your partner for granted. If you’re wondering how to make your relationship better, learn to keep your relationship interesting. Have an occasional night out together, and pick up little gifts for each other now and then. Explore new sides of love and experience new joys together. New experiences keep the relationship exciting and new, and that can help bring both of you closer.

For a relationship to work out, you need to spend a lot of together time, and yet you need to give each other enough space to miss each other. Spending time with friends or doing something you personally enjoy can make you a better individual. And as long as you evolve as a person, your relationship will evolve too. [Read: SIGNS THAT YOU HAVE A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP]
