Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Some ladies are seeking Mr. Right when they should be searching for their life partner. There are sayings such as, “He wasn’t right for you” or “You’ll find the right one,” as if you are looking for the right pair of shoes to offset an outfit. Love doesn't hurt, Loving the Wrong person does.

You have to remind yourself, you are not looking for an accessory but an individual who is interested in developing a partnership. You will be disappointed when you seek someone who looks like the man in your daydreams or wears a suit like your father. Your mind tells you that he is the “right one,” so how do you know if he’s really the wrong one?

Using these guidelines will help in eliminating the guys that are definitely to be avoided if you are seeking a life partner. [READ: 2 TIPS TO SPOT MISS. WRONG]

1. Develop Your Intuition: There is this saying "Follow your Heart, but don't forget to use your Brain", but this can lead you into trouble. You have mental pictures about how your man should look and act. If you meet a man who reflects your mental pictures, then you automatically think he is “right” for you. If you have an uncomfortable feeling in your gut about someone who looks and acts perfect, then you need to pay attention. Your intuition is speaking to you about this individual and you need to honor it.

2. Pay Attention to His Behavior: As women, you love to hear men compliment your looks and achievements, but if his behavior is inconsistent then you need to reconsider your choice. If he says all the right things — yet cancels several dates at the last minute because he has something else to do, you need to move on. You should not make excuses for his behavior.

3. Avoids Uncomfortable Conversations: If he avoids conversations about your concerns in a relationship, such as money or commitment,  then you need to check in with your intuition.

4. Self-Centered: This is an easy way to spot Mr. Wrong. If you are at a gathering and you meet a man who looks perfect, but is talking about himself – then cuts you off when you try to interject a comment – he may not be someone with whom you want to get involved. Maybe you go on one date to confirm this!

5. Mama’s Boy (or the Immature Guy): This is the most difficult to spot because you often find it charming if a man is devoted to his mother. “If he is that considerate to his mother, then that’s how he’ll treat me,” you think. In some cases, that is not how he will treat you. His mother will come first and her approval is of primary importance, especially the approval of the woman in his life. And, in the end, we will also try to please her. 

Have you experienced any of the above red flags? -->


  1. You have such an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your posts. All the best for your future blogging journey.
