Sunday, January 5, 2014


Loving relationships can last a lifetime, but many relationships fail to last a lifetime because couples don’t know how to make a relationship work. [Read: RELATIONSHIP]

One reason why love fails for many couple, it’s because most of us don’t understand that love is fickle and changing. Love lasts forever, and it’s true. [Read: LOVE]  But no one ever said love stays the same forever. And that makes all the difference between having a great relationship and just living together under one roof.

In the start of a relationship, either of you may try to please your partner every day with affection and gifts. But this can’t go on forever, or your relationship would end even before you know it. If you’re not attracted to your partner, mentally and physically, of course, love will stop evolving in your lives.
The start of a relationship is always exciting because you’re learning new things about your lover every day. But as the months pass by, the conversations drift to ‘how was work’ and ‘how was your day’. Why does that happen? Well, simply because you have nothing else that’s exciting enough to talk about
To make your relationship better, use these two tips.

Most couples stop trying to please their partner as the years pass by and love is way past the wooing and impressing phase. If you’re not  trying anything new or special now and then, you’re definitely taking your partner for granted. If you’re wondering how to make your relationship better, learn to keep your relationship interesting. Have an occasional night out together, and pick up little gifts for each other now and then. Explore new sides of love and experience new joys together. New experiences keep the relationship exciting and new, and that can help bring both of you closer.

For a relationship to work out, you need to spend a lot of together time, and yet you need to give each other enough space to miss each other. Spending time with friends or doing something you personally enjoy can make you a better individual. And as long as you evolve as a person, your relationship will evolve too. [Read: SIGNS THAT YOU HAVE A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP]


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