Monday, January 20, 2014


All of us have a few bad habits that we don’t realize. Sometimes, these habits could be silly or cute.
But at most other times, these subconscious bad habits could end up hurting you or distancing you from the one you love.

When you fall in love with someone, you can’t see their bad habits, at least not until you’re past the stage of infatuation. And likewise, your partner won’t see the bad in you because they’re so smitten by you and your love for them. But once the rose tinted veil of infatuation sweeps past your eyes, it’s only then that the nagging habits start to reveal themselves.

See these bad habits to know if you’re hurting your lover without realizing it.


Do you constantly like having things your way? It could be as silly as watching a genre of movies you enjoy or going out to places that you like. [Read: TOP TWO THINGS THAT LEAD TO BREAK-UP] Your partner may find your tantrums cute to begin with, but if you always want things your own way, there will come a time very soon when your partner would snap and just hate everything you like because they’re so sick of it!


Do you choose to ignore your partner instead of talking about something that’s hurt you? You’re not alone. Many men and women would rather sit down in the corner and stare at the ceiling than answer their partner when they’re annoyed for some reason. Never do that because you’d only end up hurting your partner, make them feel miserable, and hate you at the same time.


Avoiding discussions, especially if it’s stressful may seem like the easy thing to do at a particular moment. But stuffing all the difficult conversations in some dark corner will only leave you more stressed, and leave your partner frustrated and angry. As difficult as a particular decision or a relationship conversation may be, you can solve it only by talking about it with your lover. Remember, every journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.


For the silliest of reasons! And you just can’t help yourself. You may be lying to your partner because you’re afraid of their temper, or because you don’t want to appear weak in front of them. The reasons could be several, but the end result is almost always the same. Lies affect relationships negatively, and will lead to loss of trust. Stop lying and learn to confront the truth, you’ll have a much better life.


Don’t yell at your partner or humiliate them in public or when someone else is around. Your frustrations may be valid and you may have every good reason to accuse your partner of something, or walk away from them. But ridiculing your partner or hurting them in public will do a lot of damage to their ego, and that’s something that won’t heal very soon. [Read: LITTLE THINGS THAT LEAD TO BREAK-UP]


You know your partner’s sweet and caring. And you love them for it. But do you remember to appreciate your partner and thank them for all the little things they do, be it finding your keys or opening the doors for you? You may think it’s silly to constantly thank your partner for every little thing they do. But chances are, you may start taking these sweet gestures for granted even before you realize it, and they’d turn into expectations instead!


You intentionally make big demands or throw tantrums just to see if your partner cares enough to go the extra mile for you. These petty tests are rather common at the start of a new relationship when you’d want your lover to prove their love for you, but don’t carry this habit into the later stages of love or your constant games and tests would annoy your lover


You try really hard to please your partner, but you get really upset when your partner doesn’t realize you’ve done something for them. And yet, you continue to do nice things for them all the time *which they take for granted* and eventually turn into a relationship martyr. If your partner takes you for granted, talk to them about it. Bottling your rage or sadness will not help you. Perhaps, your partner didn’t even realize that you’ve done something sweet for them. Communicate and express yourself now and then, and stop trying to be a helpless people pleaser.


Sunday, January 5, 2014


Loving relationships can last a lifetime, but many relationships fail to last a lifetime because couples don’t know how to make a relationship work. [Read: RELATIONSHIP]

One reason why love fails for many couple, it’s because most of us don’t understand that love is fickle and changing. Love lasts forever, and it’s true. [Read: LOVE]  But no one ever said love stays the same forever. And that makes all the difference between having a great relationship and just living together under one roof.

In the start of a relationship, either of you may try to please your partner every day with affection and gifts. But this can’t go on forever, or your relationship would end even before you know it. If you’re not attracted to your partner, mentally and physically, of course, love will stop evolving in your lives.
The start of a relationship is always exciting because you’re learning new things about your lover every day. But as the months pass by, the conversations drift to ‘how was work’ and ‘how was your day’. Why does that happen? Well, simply because you have nothing else that’s exciting enough to talk about
To make your relationship better, use these two tips.

Most couples stop trying to please their partner as the years pass by and love is way past the wooing and impressing phase. If you’re not  trying anything new or special now and then, you’re definitely taking your partner for granted. If you’re wondering how to make your relationship better, learn to keep your relationship interesting. Have an occasional night out together, and pick up little gifts for each other now and then. Explore new sides of love and experience new joys together. New experiences keep the relationship exciting and new, and that can help bring both of you closer.

For a relationship to work out, you need to spend a lot of together time, and yet you need to give each other enough space to miss each other. Spending time with friends or doing something you personally enjoy can make you a better individual. And as long as you evolve as a person, your relationship will evolve too. [Read: SIGNS THAT YOU HAVE A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP]
