Wednesday, November 13, 2013


It’s only natural that, as relationships progress, we start to take each other for granted. You may feel resentful that your partner doesn’t pay you compliments the way he/she used to, and has taken to nagging you about every little thing, or just ignoring you most of the time. So if the situation changes, you suddenly notice that he/she is buying you gifts, easing up on the nagging and giving you a lot more of that “alone time” you’ve been craving, your first instinct may be relief. In reality, however, a sudden, drastic change in your partner’s behavior (even seemingly positive changes) may be a red flag that he/she is cheating on you. Like i said "MAY BE" not definite.

Infidelity can destroy any happy relationship [Read: WAYS TO DEAL WITH A CHEATING MATE], so if you’re getting signals that your spouse may be cheating, you should pay attention. It may turn out that your partner is as faithful as the sun, but if you get that sneaking feeling that things are almost too perfect, it's natural to be curious. If there’s been a noticeable shift in the dynamics of your relationship like if he/she spends less time with you, and asks you for less advice than she used to; it may be that he/she is going to someone else to have those needs met. 
If, after doing a little careful detective work, you discover that he/she is cheating on you, don’t immediately fly off the handle (to react in a very angry way to something someone says or does). It may be tempting to jump ship (quit) and give up on the relationship, that’s not a solution to the problem. It doesn’t change the fact that you love this man/woman and, perhaps, his/her infidelity is a symptom of problems in the relationship to which you contributed.

If you take time to examine why he/she strayed, you may find that you aren't the only victim in the relationship. Does he/she have physical emotional needs that you’ve been unable to meet? Has he/she tried to discuss his/her feelings with you, but you failed to consider his/her feelings? If so, it shouldn’t be entirely surprising that he/she found comfort with another. If there have been unresolved problems in your relationship that encouraged him/her to be unfaithful, you should seriously consider working with him/her to fix them, rather than walking out on him/her in a fit of anger and causing even more pain to you both.

Monday, November 4, 2013


You can’t force yourself into a relationship and expect good things to come out of it.
Successful relationships need compatibility and chemistry, and the factors mentioned here.
Time may fly and the first few months of infatuation may blossom into mature love, but that’s no excuse to let the excitement fade away.
In a healthy relationship, the relationship may mature, but it still stays fresh and exciting all the time.
Want to know if you have a healthy relationship? These good relationship factors will show you the way.

Have you ever gone out of your way to make your partner feel good, even if it means sacrificing something for yourself? When you’re in a good relationship, both partners go out of their way to make their lover feel good. Do you have that unconditional love in your relationship?
Lovers in good relationships are always happy. And as corny as it may sound, they feel happier when their partner’s feeling happy. Call them soul mates if you must, but in a good relationship, the happiness one experiences isn't just one sided.

True love isn't enough to hold a relationship together. In a good relationship, both partners must respect each other too. In your everyday life as a couple, you have to take a lot of decisions all the time. Do you make all the decisions when it comes to matters of the relationship, or does your partner do that? If you do respect each other, you’d give importance to each other’s opinions before making a decision. On the other hand, if you don’t really respect your lover, you may ask for an opinion but do what you feel is best anyways. It may work for a while, but eventually one partner will start to dominate the other psychologically and that can only lead to subdued open frustrations in the relationship.

In a good relationship, both partners are happy to be with each other. Good lovers complement each other and balance the relationship.

Arguments are never bad, as long as it’s limited to a rare occasion. After all, an argument is only a sign of misunderstanding unless it results because of a bigger conflict like an affair.
In a good relationship, you may have differences or arguments, but it’s always constructive to the relationship. You voice your opinions and help your partner understand how you’re feeling and what you really want. By bring up a touchy subject and clearing the air, it helps bring both of you closer in the long run, just as long as the same mistakes don’t happen again.
And always remember this, irrespective of who started a fight, it’s the responsibility of both partners to end it as soon as possible.
A healthy relationship requires a lot of work. If you’re passionate about your relationship and its happiness, of course, this won’t seem like work at all.
In a happy relationship, lovers constantly look for ways to keep love alive, be it through special surprise parties or thoughtful gifts. Just like your job, you need to see progress every day in love too, if you want to experience a better relationship. You can’t just sit back and wait for the good times to roll in love. You need to initiate it. Go away on romantic vacations and look for ways to create happy memories all the time, even if it means just watching a movie at home. [Read: GOOD RELATIONSHIP]