Thursday, September 5, 2013


I know there are many out there who wish to get out of the FRIEND ZONE. I received an email from a reader asking me how to escape the FRIEND ZONE, which i will be posting in three parts. Below is PART A.[Read: FRIEND ZONE]

#1. Break the "nice guy" or "sweet girl" stereotype: Most guys and girls who find themselves in the "friend zone" put themselves there by not communicating their own needs. Where you're romantically attracted to someone, but you don't want to "pressure" them into a relationship, or "ruin" the friendship by expressing your interest or making a move, you'll end up heartbroken. The problem is, when you make other people's feelings more important than your own (instead of finding that happy balance), you're unconsciously communicating to people that your own feelings don't matter. This may make it seem like you have low self-esteem, which is the opposite of confidence.
#2. Stop being needy: One of the reasons you might be interested in this person more than they're into you is because you are giving off signals that you really want to be in a relationship! You might be coming off as a little desperate, which is quite the attraction killer. You might be rushing things emotionally and maybe physically.You might also be placing this person on a pedestal, because you're so caught up in the idea of the relationship, that you're quick to assume this person is "perfect". Examine your own neediness. In one word, relax. There will always be many more encounters besides this one, so stop treating it like the last one you'll ever have. Also, don't force yourself to reveal your hopes for intimacy, let your actions display your confidence. Your behaviour should speak for itself. [Read: HOW TO ESCAPE THE FRIEND ZONE PART B]

To be continued in PART B.....

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