Saturday, September 21, 2013


1. YOUR EX: When your EX still keeps in touch with you constantly or you talking about your EX alot in your pesent relationship, it implies you don't want to move on and forget about your previous relationship. You are passing an indirect message to your partner that "you are still holding on to your EX." As a result of this attitude, your partner won't be committed in the relationship and the next step will be BREAKING UP! I'm not saying you shuold be enemies with your EX, but you and your EX should not be obsess about each other!

I believe we all know what is conflict. Conflict is a serious disagreement or argument. Little disagreement can lead to Break up, but please take out the "dis" & focus on "agreement." Be ready to work things out and remember, Couples disagree to agree. There should be Conflict Resolution if you truly want your relationship to workout!

Thursday, September 19, 2013


..............Continuation from PT. 1

6. FLIRTING: Flirting might be fun, and might seem not strong enough to dissolve a relationship. the truth is, it can if your partner doesn't find it funny!

7. TOO DEMANDING: You want this, you want that, you want all...take a chill pill please, relax and be easy on your partner because he/she would definitely get tired of you someday.

8. UNGENEROUS: As a guy if you are the stingy type, and have never cared about your Girlfriend's finance, neither have you bought her any gifts, then i feel sorry for you. NOTE: when i said gifts, i did not mean a house or a car please. This is meant fo the working class and not for lovers still searching for daily breads to make ends meet.

9. ARROGANCE: When you are too arrogant, too violent, too pushy, too insultive, always engaging in one fight or the other, your relationship won't stand the test of time. This is a big turn-off!

10. DISRESPECT: We all know the saying "respect is reciprocal." When you disrespect your partner not once but often, you will just hasten the break-up of your relationship. Respect your partner's decision always. This works both ways!

Monday, September 16, 2013


There are a few things that we over look or don't take note or ignore in our various relationships which can terminate your relationship. See The Little Things That Leads To Break-up In Relationships.

1. LOVING THE PERSON TOO MUCH/CHOKING YOUR PARTNER WITH LOVE: No matter how in-love you both might be, the moment one is choking the other with too much love, it fizzles out the love of the other partner leading his/her love to depreciate. Try to always make it balance or else you just might scare your partner away.

2. DESPERATION: When you show signs of desperation in your relationship, like trying to trap the person to yourself through pregnancy or marriage, it scares the hell out of most people, especially if your partner is not ready to be hooked up or where the relationship is still at it's early stage. Don't talk about marriage except if you are both desperate about it.
3. IMMATURITY: No girl wants a kid as a boyfriend or someone who talks and does things like a kid! No no no no... she will definitely dump you! (vice versa)
4. MODE OF DRESSING: If your mode of dressing is really horrible, please do something about it fast! No girl wants her man to look like a mad man. Dress like a gentleman. (vice versa)

5. HYGIENE: Long/Dirty finger nails and toes also leads to break-ups in relationships. Bad breaths, body odour also terminates a relationship.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Are you still FRIEND ZONED? [Read: FRIEND ZONE] If you are, here are few extra-cool tips to aid your escape.

1. Do not obsess over your friend. This will come across as creepy and possibly ruin your chances of ever escaping the "dreaded friend zone".

2. Don't ever try to get them to break up with a boyfriend/girlfriend. That makes you look desperate, it makes him/her feel embarrassed, it probably freaks them out and makes you look like a stalker. It's a bad idea.

3. If you decide to let go of someone who doesn't return your affection, you might find that suddenly they're attracted to you. Be careful, then. This might tell you that they love the "thrill of the chase". If you find they lose interest when you become interested again, you've got a cat-and-mouse game on your hands, not the recipe for a healthy relationship.

4. Don't give relationship advice to your friend (whom you have interest), they will eventually just see you as "one of the nice guys/girls" always there to give advice, which will throw you deeper into the friend zone!
5. Making time for them even when you don't have any may help the person realize that you are always there for them, but don't make it obvious that you like them, as it may repulse them and end the friendship.

6. Just go for it. When the time is right you should spill your guts to them and not beat around the bush. They are your friend and trying to be sneaky about it like you have been is a big red flag. So just tell them casually and see how they feel and act accordingly. There is boy friend and then there is boyfriend...that tiny little space between "boy friend" is known as the friend zone. Don't get it twisted.

Good Luck cos you need it!

Sunday, September 8, 2013


.........Continuation from PART B. [Read:PART B]

#5. Realize that you're "tying up" your feelings by staying friends with someone who isn't romantically interested in you. In the instance where you've already followed the previous steps and you've left your pushover habits behind, you've stepped up to the role that he or she is looking for in a relationship, and you've crossed the touch barrier, but this person still wants to be "just friends", you'll need to make some hard decisions. Maybe they're simply not attracted to you, for reasons you'll never know. But you still have feelings for them. Is it wise to continue spending time with them? [Read: EXTRA TIPS TO ESCAPE THE FRIEND ZONE]
Consider that it'll be difficult to develop feelings for someone else if your feelings for this person are fueled every time you hang out. You'll struggle with feelings of jealousy and frustration when that person dates. Consider that even if you do manage to develop feelings for someone else, your heart might always be torn and confused, and it'll be hard to give your new flame your undivided affection.Sometimes, the best thing to do is to take the friendship down to the level of acquaintance. The person might feel offended, perhaps it will seem as if you don't value them as just a friend, but remember (explain to them if necessary) that you can't control how you feel, just like they can't control how they feel, and you need to make room in your life and heart for someone who feels about you the way you feel about them.

Friday, September 6, 2013


........Continuation from PART A. [Read: PART A]

#3. Think about the difference between a friendship and a romantic relationship: If you think a romantic relationship should just be a great friendship with physical intimacy thrown into the mix, then it's understandable to look for common ground first, and wait for the physical attraction to kick in sooner or later. But not everyone sees relationships this way. Some people expect a "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" to play a particular role in their lives in order for physical attraction to emerge. The person who you want to be more than friends with probably makes a bigger distinction between "friend" and "romantic partner" than you do. Realize that many people (both male and female) expect to be courted in some way and many psychological issues play out in the relationship zone that don't ever arise in friendships zone.Some people, for example, look for a romantic partner who can play more of a parental role than a friend would.
Figure out what the person wants in a boyfriend or girlfriend relationship, then decide whether you want to be that for them. Note that some people are attracted to toxic relationships. If the person you're interested in keeps getting involved with people who treat them badly, despite your advice, you might just have to accept that they're working through some issues. You could spend your entire life waiting for them to "see the light" or you could move on and find someone who actually (through their actions, not their words) wants a healthy relationship.

#4. Break the touch barrier: For many people, a big distinction between "friendship" and "relationship" is the way they touch. There are platonic ways to touch someone, and romantic ways, and the boundary is different for different people. But if you're terrified of touching someone the wrong way, to the extent that you hesitate and never touch them first, your intentions may be good but your "touch paralysis" isn't helping you at all in the romantic department. Take a few little "touch risks". Reach for their hands, hair, shoulders, ankles, and back. Don't just always wait for them to do it first. If they don't like it, they'll definitely let you know.

Touching someone communicates to them that you find them attractive, and also that you're reasonably confident. Both of these things can make someone feel more attracted to you.Note that some people are very affectionate with their friends; the person you're interested in might be all about cuddling with you, and think nothing more of it than friendliness, while you feel like you're getting mixed signals. At some point the person you are interested in needs to give out or give in.
To be continued in PART C.....[Read: PART C]

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I know there are many out there who wish to get out of the FRIEND ZONE. I received an email from a reader asking me how to escape the FRIEND ZONE, which i will be posting in three parts. Below is PART A.[Read: FRIEND ZONE]

#1. Break the "nice guy" or "sweet girl" stereotype: Most guys and girls who find themselves in the "friend zone" put themselves there by not communicating their own needs. Where you're romantically attracted to someone, but you don't want to "pressure" them into a relationship, or "ruin" the friendship by expressing your interest or making a move, you'll end up heartbroken. The problem is, when you make other people's feelings more important than your own (instead of finding that happy balance), you're unconsciously communicating to people that your own feelings don't matter. This may make it seem like you have low self-esteem, which is the opposite of confidence.
#2. Stop being needy: One of the reasons you might be interested in this person more than they're into you is because you are giving off signals that you really want to be in a relationship! You might be coming off as a little desperate, which is quite the attraction killer. You might be rushing things emotionally and maybe physically.You might also be placing this person on a pedestal, because you're so caught up in the idea of the relationship, that you're quick to assume this person is "perfect". Examine your own neediness. In one word, relax. There will always be many more encounters besides this one, so stop treating it like the last one you'll ever have. Also, don't force yourself to reveal your hopes for intimacy, let your actions display your confidence. Your behaviour should speak for itself. [Read: HOW TO ESCAPE THE FRIEND ZONE PART B]

To be continued in PART B.....

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Finally the day has come! What is FRIEND ZONE?

*The "FRIEND ZONE" refers to a platonic relationship wherein one person wishes to enter into a romantic or sexual relationship, while the other does not.

*When a member of the opposite sex (usually one you want to hook up with) declares you to be "JUST A FRIEND", thereby ruining all potential chances of having a relationship. [Read: HOW TO ESCAPE THE FRIEND ZONE]

When someone is in the friend zone it means they are "JUST FRIENDS" and thus undateable. When a guy likes a girl but she only sees him as a "NICE GUY", a "FRIEND" and is not attracted in him for dating, he's almost like a brother and it would be gross to date a brother, He's in the "FRIEND ZONE."
The Female folks need to understand, "Friendship is the starting step for what we call Love." Relationship begins with "CAN WE BE FRIENDS" and sometimes it also ends with "LETS JUST BE FRIENDS," and also begins with having a first Date (get to know the stranger). [Read: EXTRA TIPS TO ESCAPE THE FRIEND ZONE]

Proposing to a Boy or a Girl for Friendship is nothing but indirectly saying, "I LOVE U." If one can become your Best Friend, then He or She can easily become your Life Partner! (you know each other better than a stranger you just met), which reminds me of this lyrics "IF I EVER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN, I WILL BE SURE THAT THE LADY IS A FRIEND" by +SHAI. Always have it in mind that "A Boy & a Girl can never be Friends forever." When a lady gets married, her friends (Guys) won't be close anymore before her husband gets suspicious/jealous. It goes both ways, vice versa.

Monday, September 2, 2013


Relationship has different concepts. The concept of Friends, Families, Boyfriends and Girlfriends e.t.c. Here i'll be talking about Boyfriend/Girlfriend Relationship. When you are in a serious relationship, you will have your ups and downs. But talking things over is a better solution than throwing it away.
Never give up on that patient, caring Lover of yours because of minor disagreements that can be sorted out and always bear it in your mind that people disagree to agree and there’s no Mr. and Miss PERFECT on earth. We are the ones to make our IMPERFECT partners to be PERFECT to us (Loving the imperfect perfectly). Always think about this prior to you let go of someone who has been your everything.

The above applies to married couples too