Saturday, August 31, 2013


The new month has just started; we should realize this fact that how fast life is passing, we have short time and a lot to do for success, so always spread love and work like a last day of life, always look forward towards your future. Fill your eyes and heart with motivation, Push yourself and boosts your capabilities to achieve what you want, patience is the key to all doors of success, Patience teaches us the art of hard work, We should do this practice, so we can find the real concept of success and happiness.
May this new month be more successful, I wish this month brings more inspiration and love in your life, HAPPY NEW MONTH.

P.S>> Today is my Birthday! Join me as i celeberate with Love! I wish All who share same Birth Month as i, DOUBLE PORTION BLESSINGS, Long Life & More Years!


Sometimes it's better to be alone for a while but not forever. It's better to be alone than being with someone who makes you feel alone, someone who doesn't return your LOVE, someone who doesn't appreciate your effort, someone who takes you for granted, someone who sees no value in your CARE, someone who doesn't love you for who you are, someone who doesn't spare time for you, someone who always makes you cry, someone who always accuses you for being wrong.
If you are in a relationship with such a person, think of letting go no matter how painful it may be. Such people only care about their heart desires but they don't care about how you feel, what you need and what makes you happy. Be strong and move on, that person was not meant to be the Love of your life trust me. He/she is a time waster in your life. That person’s happiness is when you fulfill what he/she wants but for them they will never mind about your heart pain. Think about it!

Friday, August 30, 2013


Some ladies have lost their thinking caps. Some found it but unable to use it. Must you clock "35" before you stop partying here & there? You already know all the Eateries and Hotels in town! You even know the tastes of their various ice-creams, pepper-soups, shawarma, etc. And you can tell the prices of their beers and wines off hand.
Funny, you're singing “NO MAN IS RESPONSIBLE”. Which responsible man drinks to stupour and clubs every weekend? Which responsible man samples you and your slutty friends randomly? Which responsible man sags with dog's chains on his neck and tattoos on his body? Ask yourself; “Is the guy I'm currently dating my dream man?”

Dear sister's, If you are living your life as above, my dear, you are living a MIRAGE Life! Be real! Humble yourself so that you will be raised. The so called "RESPONSIBLE MEN" you are searching for are not in the clubs and hotels. you won't find them at the weekly birthday bashes, weekend beach crashings or pool-side jamborees loitering around women of easy virtues, drunkards and men of questionable characters.

They are busy; in the Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges studying hard for the life after school, and in the offices, workshops, and on business trips striving hard to make life better for their families and better than they've met it. Use that brain Sweet Sisters! It's for thinking!

Thursday, August 29, 2013


As long we are human, there are certain things we do because we do have feelings and emotions & we often don't know why we do these things. If you find yourself doing any of the things below, you are FALLING IN LOVE!

* You can’t stay mad at him/her for more than a minute or two. You actually have to try hard to be mad.

* You’ll read his/her messages over and over again.

* You’ll walk really really slow when you are with him/her. You don't want the walk to end.

* You’ll feel shy when ever you are with him/her.

* While thinking about him/her, your heart will beat faster and faster.

* By listening to his/her voice, You’ll smile for no reason.

* While looking at him/her you can’t see the other people around you, you can only see that person.

* You’ll start listening to slow songs, RnB or Jazz.

* He/she becomes all you think about.

* You’ll get high by just their smell.

* You’ll realize that you are always smiling to yourself when you think of him/her.

* You’ll do anything for him/her.

* While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time. You're definitely IN LOVE with him/her.


Someone comes into your life, befriends you, he/she starts being so special to you. That person becomes so close to you, he/she starts to mean everything to you. you start to miss that person, and you then realize that your life can't go on without him/her. you start missing food and sleep! Your life totally changes. That person promises you heaven on earth and he/she keeps on telling you that he/she is different from the ones you have ever had.

Your heart gets softened till you surrender it to that special person you call heaven sent. Everything goes on well, you share good moments, but suddenly, he/she starts to change after getting what they wanted, he/she reduces on the texts and calls. they start to build up many excuses, that sweet heart of yours starts becoming too busy for you. You start to cry, plead and ask for forgiveness but all in vain till you are dumped and they move on.
You get HEART-BROKEN & swear never to fall in love again. You start hating love, saying that all men and women are the same base on what that heartless "EX" did to you, you become distrustful to everyone. You live a single life but after sometime you start admiring your happy friends in love, loneliness squeezes you then you decide to give LOVE a second chance. Another handsome dude or lady comes into your life, you start to think that he or she is heaven sent but still you go through the same experience again.

Friends that’s the journey of LOVE! No one who can escape it. So if you have someone who is treating you like a KING or a QUEEN, truly and faithfully love that person because true love is hard to find. Do whatever it takes for both of you to last longer. Don’t easily dump that person because of minor disagreements. Call or text that person, meet him /her and apologize. Value that person’s effort and everything he/she sacrifices for you. Don’t take that person’s love for granted because someone out there yearns for that person’s love and care. They long to replace you one day.

Think about it, especially YOU reading this.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Good Morning/Day/Night (depends on your location) my Awesome and Lovely Blog readers, i know most of my readers will b asking "why they haven't seen a post that affects or concerns their life?"

I'm here today to answer that. I wanted to take it step by step, touch each aspect that revolves around LOVE & RELATIONSHIP, but that will take time before i will reach out to most readers. so i have decided to touch each aspect randomly.

Readers should expect a post on "FRIEND ZONE" [Read: FRIEND ZONE]
-How to get out of friend zone, [Read: HOW TO ESCAPE THE FRIEND ZONE]
"PLAYER" (Heart Break Kid)- i will expose a little secret that will burn their cables (a Nigerian slang).
Reasons why people make the wrong choice.
Questions to ask when you are on a Date.
How to tell if you are in LOVE.
Define your relationship and many more.....

Readers put on your sit belt and brace yourself for the IMPACT!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Continuation of Part - A [Read:PART - A]

1. Whether you have just started going out with a guy or you have dated for some time, do not press him with the question as to where your relationship is going. If the relationship is promising, you will simply know this from his actions.

2. If you have something you would like to discuss with him, bring it up casually at an appropriate time. When you tell him that you would like to have a talk, he will automatically become defensive as he does not expect the conversation to be enjoyable. You just need to choose your time well.
3. However much he has hurt you, going around stating how you have him won't solve the issue. In fact, when you maintain your cool even during a breakup, you will win his admiration. But throwing temper tantrums will only push him further away from you.

4. In case you suspect that he has been up to no good, telling him that you don't trust him won't make him change. Instead, he will just get more careful, and you won't be able to get the much needed evidence.


There are a number of things that you should never tell a man if you would like to have a good dating relationship with him. Let us take a look at them so that you can avoid them.

1. Being the first to say "I love you.": You may say this as a way of making him say that he loves you too, but you should not try to push him to say something he is not yet prepared for or something he doesn't mean from his heart. You will remain in an awkward position when he does not do it.

2. If he promised to call but didn't, don't confront him and ask why he did not call. You will be basically be accusing him of not caring for you, and it is more likely that you will make him turn defensive.
3. When you go out on a date, do not press him to tell you when you should expect to see him once more. If he is really interested, he will get in touch. On the other hand, if he has no interest, then you should not keep your life on hold for him. [Read:SIGNS HE'S NOT JUST INTO YOU]

4. In case he does not keep his promise to see you, you should not ask him where he had been. The hidden question is really whether he was out with another girl, which will just show your fear and insecurity.

5. In case he had gone out with another woman, you will simply put both of you in an uncomfortable position when you ask him whether he went to bed with her. Even if he did( which is very wrong & that amounts to cheating), he is not doing it now. [Read:PART - B]

Sunday, August 25, 2013


I dedicate this to all the broken-hearted people out there. STOP CRYING OVER SOMEONE WHO PLAYED WITH YOUR DELICATE HEART. Cease drowning your heart in more pain. Your heartless EX is obviously happier without you now. You don’t need to try over calling and texting him/her anymore. Why crying over someone who played with your heart, body and wasted your time. No matter your cry, tears won’t bring that person back to your life. Come on dry your precious eyes because everything will be okay. He/she left, and without a word or without a sensible reason but life goes on. Your EX left you to give room for other serious people to treat you better. He/she left you with bittersweet memories but he/she gave you experience. Breathe and let go. Trying to talk to him or her, trying to figure out where you went wrong and wasting even more time to check up on your EX won’t do you good.
Try as much as you can and let go. Though it hurts now and it will still hurt later, but stay strong and stay positive. Don’t quickly rush into a new relationship, first give yourself time, love yourself more than before and always get down on your knees and pray to God to help you find a new genuine person who will love you the way you are. Don’t lose hope, don’t hate yourself. You are so beautiful and handsome, Just know that there are many people out there heartbroken and lonely like you. They are also looking for you and they are praying to meet you one day one time. Don’t lose hope my dear friends, someone will come into your life and will erase all those past hurting memories. Someone will see value in you, someone will give you endless happiness, someone will make a family with you and someone will show you the true meaning of LOVE. Trust me you will be fine. The best is yet to come and its not far from YOU!
Hold on


Just like the title of this post says Don't ever rush into falling in love, for love never runs out. Even if they mock you because you are single, Its better to be single than to be in a relationship of SORROW. Just tell them that "God is busy writing the best love story that will sweep me off my feet!" If you find yourself in love with someone who does not love you, let it go. be gentle on yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. Love just did not choose to rest in the other person's heart. Let it go, there's a reason and a meaning you will know in time.... Always remember that sometimes we have to ignore how we FEEL and realize what we DESERVE!

True love isn't something that is forced. It is something that just happens. [Read: TRUE LOVE] Many people are so hungry for love that they choose to bite the first type of love that they may see even if it's toxic, don't be a fool for love. Choose your love wisely. If you decide to sell your love for a pack of Mr. Biggs meal or Mc Donald's Burger chips, Don't blame anyone in the future. Remember it's not about being what everyone wants you to be, It's about being yourself and finding someone who truly loves you for who you are . Remember it is not how you feel now that is really important, It’s your state of happiness in the future. Food for thought.... THINK ABOUT IT. Sunday Wishes!

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Let me Start with the word "LOVE".

What's LOVE?

There are so many interpretations and meanings of LOVE which i believe you all know in your own various ways. Some will say it's that feeling which they can't explain. which is so true and is acceptable. I say LOVE is when someone breaks your heart and the most amazing thing is that you still LOVE them with every broken piece. We as humans tends to mistake LOVE for other feelings which are great too at the initial time but of short duration & won't last the test of time. These feelings are affection, infatuation, devotion and fondness.

What's Affection?

Affection is a less ardent or passionate and more unvarying feeling of tender regard. Example: Parental affection.

What's Infatuation?

Infatuation is foolish or extravagant attraction, often of short duration. Example: Lovers blinded to their differences by their mutual infatuation.

What's Devotion?

Devotion is earnest, affectionate dedication and implies selflessness. Example: Teachers admired for their devotion to children.

What's Fondness?

Fondness is strong liking or affection. Example: A fondness for small animals. From The above & below you can check yourself deep down and know what you have been feeling.

LOVE happens automatically. Manual working of it is called flirting. Flirting is like a game of chess, one wrong move and you are married.