Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Our lives revolve around love, be it with friends, family or lovers. We need love in our lives to feel better and live happier. Every time you get into a relationship, you wonder if you’re going to have a good relationship with your lover. But what is a good relationship really? [Read:SIGNS THAT YOU HAVE A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP]
Simply put, a good relationship is a beautiful experience. It’s easy to find it but it’s even more easy to overlook it. You can spend all your life looking for true love and a good relationship, and you may never experience it even if it’s right in front of your eyes. After all, a good relationship requires the happy and willing effort of two lovers, and it blooms more with each passing day.

A good relationship can’t just be found. It has to be created.

Monday, October 21, 2013


This is not meant to offend anyone. Someone else may find it helpful. Please read carefully and share it with others just like i've done. It doesn't matter if you are Married or Not.

The rate at which marriages collapse now is assuming a social status symbol in our society. In no-time, people will be throwing divorce parties & inviting friends & well wishers to celebrate their divorce anniversaries; they will choose aso-ebi (a Nigerian custom dress during wedding), hire a hall and popular musicians & what have you. Asking a question like "So when are u getting divorced?" will become common.
If you know you can't handle the weight & pressures of marriage, please remain single. If you don't know what marriage is all about, please remain single until you do. If you are getting married because of the things you desire or hope to gain from your partner, please remain single. If you know you can't be faithful, please remain single. If you can't endure insults from one another, please remain single. If you can't forgive each other, please remain single. If you can't place your spouse above every other human being, please remain single! [Read: BEING SINGLE]  Don't get married out of desperation. "All my friends are getting married" is the most foolish reason to get married! If you desire a successful home, but your choice of friends are forces not to reckon with, think again. Be very mindful of where you go for advices, Many would give, but not many mean well.

Guys, if u know u can't put your wife ahead of your ego, please remain single till you mature. Your wife is your priority and EVERYTHING else including you, comes last. You are the teacher, the guide, the bodyguard & the role model. You are not a deity or God, so do not expect to be worshiped. You need respect, earn it by being responsible!

Ladies, if you know you can't be submissive please don't go into marriage so you are not turned into a punch bag! If you know you can't stand being corrected Mr/Mrs ITK (I TOO KNOW), please remain single. Ladies check your domestic (like Cooking, e.t.c) score card, if your score is 0, please stay in your parents house and learn!

Friday, October 11, 2013


Hurt and pain can come in many different forms, but those that come from a broken heart seem to hurt us the most. There can be deep disappointment when relationships don’t work out. Is it possible to date and not get hurt? Certainly. Is there anything you can do to help prevent heartbreak? YES, there are lots of things that you can do to help. However, you are never excluded from heartbreak if you give your heart to someone. The deeper the relationship, the greater the potential for pain or joy. You can avoid some heartache by following these steps.

1) EXPECTATIONS: Expectation is the root of all HEARTACHES. Most of us have expectations for the people in our lives & It HURTS to feel let down by someone important to you. Having some expectations is a good thing but getting too caught up in expectations is setting yourself up for disappointment. To avoid disappointment and heartache in almost any situation, examine and adjust your expectations. Consider having zero expectations from nobody. [Read:EXPECTATION LEADS TO HEARTACHE]

2) DON'T PRETEND: If you hate smokers don’t date them. Many people do this all the time. A person they are interested in has a habit that they find annoying but they will look pass that for the sake of love. Don’t waste time trying to deal with something that you don’t want to. Sooner or later those things that you hate they will eventually kill your relationship. Don't pretend to like something you don't.

3) BE YOURSELF: Why do you have to pretend you like football or opera when you don’t. Be who you are. If you keep lying about who you are, the other person is actually in love with someone that really doesn't exist. Get to know you so you can enjoy you. If you are honest about who you are, the person you are with, is with you, not a fantasy. Keep it real. Learn to be happy with yourself. If a person doesn't like who you are, it’s no big deal. Why pretend to please them. Besides, who wants to be with a pretender? It's up to you to answer that.
4) IF IT FEELS WRONG THEN IT IS: This is self explanatory. But I will elaborate. If you think he or she acts a little odd or crazy, you may want to take into account your own judgement. Trust your instincts and don’t let the lust monster take over. Beauty is only skin deep. A handsome or pretty face is just as deceptive as one you would call unattractive.

5) HAVE YOUR OWN LIFE: Any time you don’t have your own life, you are likely to consume the life of another. This is important. If you had a life when you met them, keep it. You want to share your life with your mate, not engulf theirs. Women are notorious for becoming one literally in their relationships. Some women want to be a part of everything their husband or boyfriend does. Ladies, he has skin, he doesn't need another. Don’t lose yourself in your relationship. Because if you do, I promise he will lose you; but quick.

6) LEAVE MARRIED FOLKS WITH THEIR SPOUSES: Messing around with married people is a sure Best way to get your heart broken. Married people rarely ever leave their spouses. If they do, what makes you think you won’t be cheated on? You play with fire when you mess with married people because they have too much to lose. Don’t be an interloper!
It's just common sense. Many of us don’t see the above things because we have allowed Love to blind us and we break every rule when it comes to relationships. Be happy and learn something new everyday, Because when we stop learning and loving, we stop living.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Today is the 53rd Anniversary of Nigeria's Independence! Happy Independence my Green Country! I will use today as a medium to write about INDEPENDENT WOMAN!

A woman who knows what she feels, says what she really believes, and lives true to her own values is an Independent Woman. She owns her own power and looks out for herself. She is independent at all levels, she can make her own money and follow her own path.
Do you remember the above lyrics by DESTINY'S CHILD (Independent women)? If you do, that's just a tip of the iceberg! One may ask, how do i become independent?


Being able to do things on your own will help you be more self-effective and give you the confidence that you can make things happen for yourself. If you don't know how to do something, make it a priority to find out how. Lots of women can't because in most cases, they haven't seen their mothers do it. Understand that you need to consciously learn things that don't come naturally. Get books, ask someone & take one small action today.

2. BE HONEST IN RELATIONSHIPS: Women are not willing to state the truth if it upsets someone else. They pretend to be what they are not so that they will be liked by their friends. All this takes so much energy and depletes who they are. What's the point of a relationship or a friendship where you can't be who you are, where you feel uncomfortable saying what you really think? To get really honest, you may need to change from not confronting things to looking reality in the face. Start saying what you think. Start stating what you need. Your relationships should support you, not drain you.

3. WORK ON FINDING A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP: What's stopping you from finding a great relationship? Is it that you feel you are not good enough so you always choose to be with men that reinforce that belief? Or you don't give people a chance and are fixed in your ideas about what kind of person you'll be happy with. Get honest with yourself about why you don't have the kind of relationship you really want. We all know, at least at some level, what the real problem is. Sometimes it may seem like a lot of work to fix that problem. For example: How do you change a deep belief that you are really not that lovable, you don't really deserve the best? You 'll probably need to work on this by Loving yourself. you may choose to get therapy, do things that increase your self-esteem, do a lot of soul-searching through journaling. All of this takes work and energy and commitment. But unless you do this, you won't get okay with yourself. And you won't really have a self to share with someone else.

You can Expand your social circle because different people will appeal to different parts of you. Do new things, learn a sport, take up cooking. Ask for help when you need it from a friend, family, or a therapist. Educate yourself on money, Go to seminars, buy books like "Rich Dad, Poor Dad. All this will help you develop an Independent attitude!"